Wednesday 17 August 2016

Craving for clarity

Just can't keep up with all the blogs, maybe it is because it has been long since I was in the middle place not knowing which was the definite direction for me. A wise co-worker shared with me yesterday - when people are distressed they crave for clarity. I never knew I would be so uncomfortable with being in between black and white. Having taught grey literature for quite a number of years, my testimony always starts with that there are different shades of grey out there and we just have to filter through them to find something, maybe a sapphire or an emerald. Uncertainty leaves room for growth, just like we pleasantly wake up to a garden of blossoming flowers but have had to be willing to plant, to water, to hope, all patiently, and even to fail. My wise co-worker also said this morning that sometimes we just need to have those black and white clear moments in our lives. To not forever patiently expect, from others or ourselves, clarity makes us see the beauty or more importantly, what's real. Confusing it sounds, but I am feeling better.

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